Thursday, July 16, 2009


Name: Elin

Element: Earth

Special: Plasma Gun (Must be level 30+), Elin's Chip (Elin's and your levels must be 40+)

Gun: Attack + 45
Chip: Attack + 55

Strong parties are suggested if you're trying to aquire any of these.


1. Chaotic Attack- Max Level 8, 26 SP
2. Iron Scatter Gun- Max Level 12, 75 SP


Superior Weapon (You should be at least level 20 before attempting this quest. Be sure to have a rope ladder and the Maid's outfit, which is aquired at the house where Undeserved Roca activates. If your completing the quest for more then one player, be sure to have one ladder EACH.

After you head down the well, go straight until you reach some stairs heading below. (You'll have to pull a lever near the entrance first) Once there, head forwards until you see these mirrors. The puzzle is easy to complete, first mirror turns towards the ice, second stays the same and third faces the fireball thing.

Once the ice breaks, the door will open. Clicking on the chest will trigger the battle against 3 level 60 Trolls. After that, you'll get the Magnet Key, head back up but this time head the other derection. Hopefully, you'll arrive at a gate with two ETs guarding it. Clicking on either of them will trigger the battle. The ETs are level 70. After that, just head through the gate and click on the girl in the tube thing. Another ET will appear, but thankfully Elin steps in before you get beaten up.

Congratulations, you now have Elin. Give yourself a pat on the back for bearing with me through this lengthly description.

Elin's death quest hasn't been released in the current version yet.

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